Having a niche in your shower can be very handy. You have a place for soap, shampoo, and other items. It can also add depth and beauty to your bathroom. To build the properly a shower niche should always have solid jambs around the side and a sloped bottom to assist with draining water away. A poorly designed niche can lead to mold and cracked tile.
Schluter has designed a prefabricated waterproof niche that makes installation in your bathroom shower bullet proof. Ashton Renovations installs them in their bathroom renovations in Toronto and with no problems. They are available in a variety of sizes and are also available with shelves.
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Mark Ashton
Kitchen & Bath Designer
AKBD, CLIPP, B.A., B.A.S. (Mgmt.)
For over 25 years, Ashton Renovations has offered an innovative and professional approach to home renovations. From kitchens and baths to whole house projects, we can transform any room in your home.