Every new beautiful kitchen needs a new set of tools. And these two products are recommended after testing by our staff. Misto, and Analon pots and pans. Both are available at any local Toronto Bed, Bath, & Beyond location. Here is why we like them so much:
Misto is a gourmet cooking oil sprayer. It’s much healthier than using full bottles of oils for cooking and other meal preparations. It also uses a fraction of the oil and allows you to use the type of oil you prefer. All you need to do is fill the small canister with oil half way, close the lid and use the pump inject air into the canister to create a spray.
All of our clients use pots and pans, and often we see the old ones when we begin their renovation. The most common problem we see is scratched surfaces. We recently tested Analon – an Advanced Umber Hard-Anodized Non Stick cooking product. The best thing about this product is that it is metal utensil safe. It also offers better heat distribution, over safe use up to 400 F, and comfortable silicone handles with easy clean up. Analon is also available at any Bed Bath and Beyond in Toronto.
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Mark Ashton
Kitchen & Bath Designer
AKBD, CLIPP, B.A., B.A.S. (Mgmt.)
For over 25 years, Ashton Renovations has offered an innovative and professional approach to home renovations. From kitchens and baths to whole house projects, we can transform any room in your home.