Adding a niche to your shower is becoming a very popular and practical choice. No longer do you need to add unsightly after market products to your shower walls. And often these units either rust, get incredibly dirty, and leave holes drilled into your tile.
Adding a niche begins with installing a Schluter Niche. It comes in many sizes and is integrated into your water proofing membrane system. Once installed, a quartz or granite material is selected and a fully integrated box with shelf is manufactured and set in place during the tiling phase. It is common to use the same shower jamb material for the niche. Done! Watertight and functional for storing shampoo, soap, and other products.
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Mark Ashton
Kitchen & Bath Designer
AKBD, CLIPP, B.A., B.A.S. (Mgmt.)
For over 25 years, Ashton Renovations has offered an innovative and professional approach to home renovations. From kitchens and baths to whole house projects, we can transform any room in your home.