Torlys Ultimate Flooring In Toronto – Smart EverWood & EverTile!


Introducing Torlys Smart EverWood and EverTile! Your ultimate flooring. It beautiful, durable, and waterproof. We found this product at Ashton Renovations to be amazing on our projects. Why?

WATERPROOF! Top layer and core are both impervious to prevent water damage.

WARM! Warm to the touch with CorkPlus attached cork underlay

DURABLE! Ultra-thick .5mm wear layer is delighted to handle commercial environments

SOUNDLESS! The room in which the floor is installed as well as the one below remain quiet thanks to noise-dampening CorkPlus attached underneath

DENT RESISTANT! High-density core and top layer provides a “stays beautiful assurance”.




EASY TO MAINTAIN! Spills and messes are easily wiped up with a damp mop. Highly stain resistant.

Now, you may think “Wow this must cost a lot of money!” Not at all! Torlys EverWood and EverTile is very affordable! So if you have a low budget, don’t worry!

This product will benefit you in every way as it has a 10-year waranty!

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Mark Ashton

Kitchen & Bath Designer
AKBD, CLIPP, B.A., B.A.S. (Mgmt.)

For over 25 years, Ashton Renovations has offered an innovative and professional approach to home renovations. From kitchens and baths to whole house projects, we can transform any room in your home.